martes, 28 de julio de 2009

Marian -

I'm assured, by several reliable sources, that you "threw" a glass of red wine over me at Asher's 40th. I understand that it was accidental rather than antagonistic. I have absolutely no memory of this, which demonstrates the brain's amazing capacity for rewriting, recovering - whatever. I was gutted to hear about Simon's stroke, and have read every word of your very moving blog. Such a practical thing to do, but moving nonetheless. Obviously, I know what it is to live with/care for a brain-damaged partner. Fortunately, Simon is young and very stroppy and I'm sure, with your solid support, he'll continue to make good progress. I'm sorry he has to share a room with such a scary other occupant, but today's news about the area of the brain which was damaged is, surely, reasssuring.

Um, this next bit ought to be more private but I don't know how to make it so, given that I don't have an email address for you. You're giving your all to support Simon, but you need support, too, and it may well be a long haul. I'm sure you have your own circle of supportive friends, plus Shirley, but if you feel weary or worried, my email address is Give my love to Simon.

Jenny (Guardino's/Ross's wife)